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Every person of working age should be given the opportunity to seek employment. That is what Ohio’s Employment First initiative is about.


Everyone has skills and we all bring something of value to the place we work. At the Noble County Board of DD, we help the people we support identify their strengths, skills and employment goals. Together with our provider partners, we help each person locate and achieve the job he or she wants. We do this through a person-centered planning process – that simply means one person, one job at a time.

Employment First enhances lives!


People with disabilities who work are connected to their community. They have greater wealth, are more independent, and have more people and meaningful relationships in their lives.


In fact, we all benefit when people with disabilities are in the community. Employers have access to dependable and qualified employees. Co-workers and neighbors have a chance to get to know someone of differing abilities and what he or she brings to their community.


To learn more about Employment First, check out the following links.


For Job Seekers



For Employers



For Providers





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